
Costs associated with treating chronic illnesses are a major driver of rising health care costs in America. For many of these chronic illnesses, medications are the most cost-effective course of treatment. As the most trusted, accessible medication experts, community pharmacists are ideally positioned to address adherence and keep patients healthy.

NCPA is dedicated to providing pharmacists with the tools and resources needed to improve adherence through its Pharmacists Advancing Medication Adherence (PAMA) Initiative.

Multidose Packaging Resources
With CVS Pharmacy ending its multidose packaging program, patients in your area may be looking for a replacement. Do you offer this service? Consider ramping up your promotions and contacting local news outlets using this ready-made template and social media post to let them know that your pharmacy is continuing to serve in this way.

Template Press Release (feel free to customize)

Sample social media post

Adherence Research
Through NCPA's adherence research around medication synchronization, patient behavior, and patient satisfaction—the evidence needed to prove pharmacists' role.

Business Case
Information, resources, and tools you can use to quantify the business impact of incrementally reaching out to more patients with adherence services.

Simplify My Meds®
NCPA program that provides you with the tools and support needed to set up a medication synchronization program in your pharmacy.

Nonmembers: A preview of the program is available here.

Checklist and background information to assist you in selecting technology solutions for your pharmacy.

Webinars & Videos
Video library of NCPA's Adherence Lunch & Learn webinars and step-by-step instructional training videos.